Without You.
Without you, my life is boring babe,
I am just waiting for you, going crazy.
I want to hold you in my arms, my love.
I want to paint you in the skies above.
I miss your tender touch, babe,
I miss the way you kiss me babe.
Without you, my life is incomplete,
without you, the one I love, my babe.
For you are my angel from heaven above.
The one I greatly love.
Many relationships broken by recklessness, not thinking of what the consequences will be afterwards, as the partner is taken for granted and treated like dirt, as that is what it is, the dishonesty, the false words of “I love you”, showing how much the partner is committed to you, but really deep down does not care at all, just wants to do what that partner wants, but soon feels the after effects of it all.
This poem is even connected to Valentine’s Day, as Valentine’s Day is about love, but loved ones have an affair even on this day, be it married, to be married or have been in a long term relationship as well, go out of their way to continue their affair with an old flame or a partner that he or she was married to and shower that person with gifts or a surprise, but do not show any love towards the one they are actually committed to in many cases.
The one who is hurt by this is the one who is in the middle, the innocent one that has done nothing at all to deserve such betrayal that rocks their world. Once there were two people in love, married, planning to get married, in an long term relationship greatly in love, looking forward to their future, planning how many children they will have and everything else. Whoever started this affair off brought the third person along, the baggage that never should have been there at all, otherwise, they should have stayed together instead, like two bad peas in a pod.
The innocent one in all this does not know how that person came into their lives, does not know to trust their partner or not, for all that they built together was destroyed in a blow, that trust, love, loyalty, support and understanding they had, they could finish each other’s sentences off, and knew each other from the heart and mind, everything so sacred got destroyed that took time and effort on both sides to build, but when one destroys it all in one go, that is one pining heart, but the damage is done, it is hard to go back to what was once good and strong.