Going back to the 5th Century living in Persia, which the world knows it as Iran, is where my Royal ancestry comes from originally, we had good relations with India in trading and in all matters. When the atmosphere got very bad, the entire Royal Hindu Persian family with its people and army followed their beloved King to India and settled for some time beside a river, which is named after us as the Hirani River, this river is in Madhya Pradesh not too far from the city Jabalpur.
After staying here, they moved further into the country, where everything was more accessible and ended up in the Rann of Kachchh area, which is Gujarat and integrated with the people who lived there at the time, from clothes to food and the language, everyone was living side by side in peace without any trouble. As time went by, before I entered the world, my great-grandfather married a Princess from England, it was a love marriage from what my father told me, and this Royal family is famous before it was given a new surname as the Royal House of Windsor.
My great-grandparents had together one son, they lead a comfortable, happy, loving, supportive, caring life together and they gave the same affection to their son, grand-children and great-grandchildren. If there were any problems, they would just come dashing along, this is the kind of love they had for their son, grand-children and great-grandchildren, as before my great-grandparents passed away, they were lucky to see their eldest grand child’s two young sons, who they loved very much.
From my great-grandparents, with the only son, came along four children, the eldest my father, then a daughter, and two more sons, my father, had two sons, a daughter who passed away when she was 1 years old, my sister, then I, Her Majesty the Queen and Her Royal Highness Laxmiben Hirani.
Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II is related to us by blood, and was overjoyed in knowing that the Royal family lineage has not died off until this present day, as Her Majesty has always kept a close eye on this Royal Family, as we are part of the Royal family as well.
Everyone knows the history of the Persian Empire, it is vast, but what it stood for was justice to the people, so they are not barbarians as some would put it, as they do not know what exactly happened, apart from watching the film 300, which does not give the true events of it all. There was so much abuse of power going on, killing children and adults just because they were not wanted as they were not male, many were weak, disabled and had deformity, which does not give anyone the right to kill them and look down to them as if they are nothing. What they got from my ancestors was shelter, protection, love, respect, care, support, understanding and the crucial element self-respect was drummed into them, which was lost, due to the abuse that the kings did, as at the end of the day, they were nothing to them in their eyes.
By HM, HRH Laxmiben Hirani
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