To Love Someone
To love someone,
you have to love yourself.
Only, then you will be able to love the people around you,
and it does not matter who they are,
as love has no boundaries.
To love someone, comes in different levels of love,
and that is not a sin, as long as you do not, make it a sin.
The poem is short and sweet, but it has a lot of meaning indeed, to love someone is not a sin, as long as you do not make it a sin, especially when you are married, about to get married or living together for a long time but treat each other as a married couple. To understand what love is, you have to look inside, like sitting in front of a mirror, and trying to bring about realisation of love and it will open you up, to love yourself, your internal and external self, those qualities that you have inside that had not been tapped into for such a long time. Soon as you release it, you will be like a flower opening up, everything that was trapped inside will just come bursting out, and you will be in a process of changing your internal as well as your external self, it will be a wonderful transformation of yourself, for having the realisation of love, will empower you to be who you really are.
Only then, you will be able to love yourself, before you can love the people around you, even your partner sometimes and love has no boundaries, it does not matter who you are, you are able to do this, for the power is within you to open yourself up. This has the ability to change your entire life, the way you think of yourself, the way you look after yourself and the way you think of others around you, the concept of life you had once before will completely change with the power of love and you will be able to love others in different forms and levels, obviously, you will not love anyone like the way you love your partner.
Many people look at the word “Love” associated with a partner, and gets all heated up about it, and accusations start flying, but the word “Love” comes in different forms and levels as we love our own family members, relatives, friends, colleagues and people we meet in everyday life. Our love is different to our own family members if we think about it deeply, than it is with others around us, so that is a different form and level of love, that God has put in everyone of us, as the world cannot survive without the vital ingredient called “Love”.
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