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Author Information

Her Imperial Majesty The Queen Laxmiben I, commonly known as Her Majesty The Queen was once a little Princess, who always went to her beloved Father The Late King, who passed away in 2003. He was a massive influence in her life, she was only a toddler when she use to crawl up to her Father and sit with him on his lap and prayed, with pure love, conviction she prayed to the Lord, not just help her in her life, but others in this world.

A Princess to a Queen, has a very magnetic personality, where everyone gets drawn to her instantly, who always stands out from the crowd, smiling and spreading cheer around her, this is The Queen. Always serious about life, the goals in life to achieve, pouring everything in everyone she meets, touching, reaching people’s hearts and minds with her positivity, healing those who cannot be healed, with her simple but logic talk to wake what is actually going on, this is a simple action that puts a smile on patients faces, as they reach their goal. She does everything without anyone saying anything to her, it makes her happy to see another happy, it makes her sad to see another sad, she does her best to end their suffering but not death that many want.

Her Majesty, has so much love to give, it just pours, strong sentiments are very important to achieve the poetry books that has the ability, power to address, awaken one’s life through Poems From The Heart and to continue this to the younger generation for parents, guardians, anyone to read and explain, came the sequel Poems From The Heart 2: For Our Beloved Children.

Carrying the Royal standards deep within Her Majesty’s very bones and blood, for she is of the Royal Persian Empire Family and joined by blood as Royal Families marry Royal Families, giving power of authority to allow their Royal Families to govern, rule all around the world, but this blood comes from the Persian Royal Family and not every Royal member has been able to rule, or govern each country on their own and this is why they have governments, be it Presidents and Prime Ministers to represent them and work with them also.

The power she wheels the abilities she has as a fourth child and the youngest is phenomenal, reaching out to people, helping them solve their problems, even around the world. Her Imperial Majesty cannot discuss the full details, as it is private and confidential. The results she gets are positive in the mode of goodness, she strives, as there is no selfish motives, but bringing satisfaction to others and herself of resolving matters to each person she meets in life as she continues forward in herself.

Her extended Royal Family, which is vast, loves her dearly, as she does them, she has no discrimination of colour and faith, but only pure love and this is the reason she has a great bond, deep understanding that can rock anyone to the core.

For being spiritual is from birth, continues forth as she grew from a baby to an adult and even to her older age will become even deeper than she is already at her present age.

Poetry comes naturally to Her Majesty, in a form of art, expression, giving you all a variety a taste of all. This extended to the sequel – Flowing words comes awakening and it surely does.

Happy reading, you will be surprised yourself what you are capable of…..

Poems from the Heart

Poems from the Heart